Blow After Blow

Sometimes it just feels like life has a personal vendetta against you and deals you the rubbish cards. I think that life is unfair.

Personally I believe that life is composed of a set of cards that are dealt out to us, but these cards may be infinitive. For every stage in life, a card is drawn for a person. For example:

Stage: Birth, cards: alive or dead, boy or girl, premature or overdue, ill or healthy etc.

These cards then have other options, an example for the ill card would be to have subsequent cards displaying particular illnesses and problems. Imagine having a hat with hundreds of millions of infinite outcomes for every event in your life from how your parents react to your prom date to whether you have an accident and survive or not. Sometimes the worse outcomes are dealt in quick succession.

In my life I’ve been given the parent divorce card, the good GCSE grade card, the college acceptance card, the depression card, anxiety card, OCD tendencies card, therapy card, self-harm card, step-grandad death, step-great-uncle death and great-grandma death cards as well as numerous pet death cards and others.

Today I have been drawn the “bad blood test results for your dog” card. For me pets are a part of my family and to hear that if the vets are correct in their diagnosis ideas, best case scenario is steroids for the rest of my dog’s life or worse case scenario pancreatic cancer and symptom management until he dies.

I understand that people and animals live and inevitably die one day but why like this? Possibly in pain for as long as he lives, dosed up on medications, just before Christmas and at only 8 years old?

I am sincerely hoping that the vets are wrong in their judgements but if not then what?

I’m sorry that this post is kind of me drivelling on about nonsense and it’s probably really confusing but I need to go to bed and I can’t keep this on my mind. So this hurried post is the best that I can do.

One thought on “Blow After Blow

  1. No, I don’t think life deals us cards we don’t like, I think bipolar people are just playing something else, like around your age, I was always getting the Devil, the Tower of the Tarot. Posting what we think is much the same thing, we have it heightened for us already, why not explain it again, outside the brain?

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