
I have never been formally diagnosed with OCD. A secondary school councillor noted what I talked about and my behaviour and suggested it and told me to see my GP. I have never mentioned it to a healthcare professional since.

I regularly do research into the symptoms and I am confused about OCD and OCPD. But for me I am not searching for a formal diagnosis, I just want something to help me understand why I do and think the things that I do. After more research, I have discovered names for things I didn’t even know properly existed. I am now nearly 100% certain I have the following:

  • Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling) – in my case pulling of single scalp hairs that feel coarser than the rest or are another colour than the rest
  • Dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking) – Ā in my case picking the skin on the top of my hands when I get stressed or anxious leading to scarring
  • Dermatophagia (compulsive skin biting) – in my case particularly around my nails leading to bleeding, infections and sore skin

There are many other things I research after someone has mentioned them. For example, I research autism spectrum disorders after a friend commented on my behaviour saying she had an autistic/Aspergers friend who possessed the same characteristics. I also research dyslexia after my dad told me I was dyslexic after repeatedly spelling words wrong.

Maybe I’m just a hypochondriac, but I don’t seek help or attention for these things. I am not overly concerned by these self-diagnosed conditions, I just want a palatable reason for the way that I am.

Is there anything wrong with that?