Femininity Degradation

As I have mentioned before, I am not very feminine. I don’t wear dresses or heels, or pink, or like ponies and many of the other stereotypical feminine attributes. But recently I think that my preferences have accelerated in the opposite direction to be more masculine than feminine.
This whole post may seem stereotypical but I don’t know how else to convey what I mean. This is just how I feel and you may believe something entirely different and that’s fine to.
I seem to like many of the stereotypical male characteristics; I like action movies, I read graphic novels/comics, I like dinosaurs, I swear, I do boxing. More recently I have been wearing men’s boxer shorts, I have been covering my boobs with baggy tops and thinking even more about methods to stop my periods.
I hate my periods. I know that no girl loves having them but any feminine girl or a woman thinking about childbearing in the future has a reason to accept them for what they are. But I am neither of these things; I don’t like being a female and I don’t want kids. I’m aware that many people will think that I might change my mind about children and I understand but at the moment I can see no way of it happening.
I have been looking into ways of stopping periods and I am even considering the new high tech medical procedures used to remove the womb lining and thus stopping the period. I would obviously need to do more research but any permanent solution would render me infertile.
Today and yesterday I have been experiencing the slight cramp twinges in my lower stomach to remind me that my period is on its way to ruin a week my life. If I don’t want kids then why do I need to go through this month after month?